更新日期:2018 年 11 月 6 日分类标签:首页平台:没限制
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Calculator 插件安装教程:
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Calculator 插件简介:
This is kinda unusual scientific calculator.
What makes this calculator unusual is that you can see both sides of the current binary operation. For example — if you type 2 + 2 you’ll see exactly “2 + 2” until you press “=”. The calculator was made with touch-screen in mind and should be ready for touch-screen chromebooks.
The app is based on the so called “scientific calculators”, which means it comes with many “advanced” functions (trigonometric, logarithmic, exponential, etc.) But the way that calculator works (different than standard calculators and showing both left and right operand at the same time) means that if you have an operation entered (for example: 5 * 6) and tap some unary operation button (for example the square button) the operation will be performed on the second operand (in our example 6 will become 36). All in all this calculator app will give you little more info for the current/previous calculation but it is still a calculator and not a formula processor or equation machine.
On devices with keyboard you can use the obvious keys: number keys, dot (floating point), +, -, *, /, Enter (=), ESC (C) and Backspace. The advanced (“scientific”) functions are not yet accessible with keyboard shortcuts (but better keyboard support is planned for the next releases).
The initial goal of this calculator was to be a real-life example of jQuery Mobile (and it worked as such) but somehow, with the time, more calculations were added and it became full-featured scientific calculator. It is, however, still work in progress, so let me know if you find a bug, if some calculation isn’t working or if you want to see new feature added.
Basic Calculations:
As one would expect, the “usual suspects” are all here:
– addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/)
– exponent (Power) operators (3 buttons for power calculation: ^2, ^3 and ^x)
– square root, cube root and general root calculator
– round, round$ and integer buttons
– two ways to do percentage calculations
Of course, here are the good old memory buttons (M+, M-, MR, MC) and you can use the copy/paste functionality too (that’s why the calculator requires copy/paste permissions)
Finally, the scientific calculations supported are:
– sin, sinh, asin
– cos, cosh, acos
– tan, tanh, atan
– cot, coth, acot
– sec, sech, asec
– log10, logN
– ln
– exp
– some constants…
Radians and degrees calculations supported.
Scientific or not, a calculator needs to be convenient and nice to look at. To make this one better, we added 3 different “themes” for you too choose from. You can change the design theme from the options page. Select between black or white calculator and the original “3d buttons” calculator. (Just click the “options” link at the bottom-right of the calculator popup and select the respective theme from the list)
Other versions of Melanto Calculator
The same calculator is available in 3 different versions: this app (adding calculator icon to the apps page and opening the calculator in its own browser window, simulating “desktop” app), as chrome extension (added to the main toolbar) and as standard chrome app (opens the calculator in new tab) – the “original” calculator. Here are the other two versions:
Calculator App:
Calculator Extension:
All the 3 calculator versions come with the same calculation engine but I couldn’t create one single to address all the 3 ways of use because Chrome doesn’t allow apps to add icon to the toolbar (so we need the extension), while extension can’t add icon to the apps page (so we need an app) and then, at some moment Chrome offered the “packaged apps” option and I made this “desktop” version for those who want it in separate window, acting as separate app…
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