Elmo Chat – Your AI Web Copilot
快速、高效地获取网站、视频和文档的关键信息,尽在Elmo Chat,让你的浏览体验更加便捷!
更新日期:2024 年 8 月 6 日分类标签:实用工具平台:没限制
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Elmo Chat – Your AI Web Copilot 插件安装教程:
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Elmo Chat – Your AI Web Copilot 插件简介:
Free & No GPT/OpenAI account needed & Multi-language support
Feature Highlights:
✅ Summarize Website: Turns web content into quick, short summaries.
✅ Summarize YouTube: Quick insights and navigation through videos.
✅ Summarize Google Docs: Efficiently creates concise summaries of Google Docs.
✅ Chat with PDFs: Simplifies understanding of large documents.
✅ Answering Questions: Get immediate answers from webpages.
✅ Keyword Exploration: Seamlessly pulls relevant information during browsing.
✅ Translation: Easily translates text into different languages.
✅ Rephrasing Paragraphs: Simplifies and clarifies complex sentences.
How to use?
🔹 Click the “Add to Chrome” button and pin it to your toolbar.
🔹 Click the icon or press Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + E to activate Elmo Chat.
🔹 Elmo Chat will summarize current web page for you.
Frequently Asked Questions:
🔸 Is it free to use? Yes.
🔸 Do I need a ChatGPT account? No.
🔸 Do I need to link a card? No.
🔸 Do you save my web content? No.
🔸 Do you support the Arc browser? No.
🔸 Do you support multiple languages? Yes.
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