Designer Tools
利用强大的Chrome Designer Tools,轻松创建视觉吸引力十足且精确的网站和应用,全面提升您的设计工作流程!
更新日期:2024 年 1 月 2 日分类标签:开发者利器平台:没限制
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Designer Tools 插件简介:
If you’re a web designer or developer, you know how important it is to have the right tools to build pixel-perfect websites and applications. That’s where Chrome Designer Tools comes in. You can easily create visually appealing and accurate designs with powerful features like rulers, guidelines, element alignment, and space measurement. And with the ability to add grids, save, move, remove guides, and change settings, you’ll have even more control over your design process. Additionally, with a wealth of additional resources available to PLUS subscribers, you’ll have the tools you need to succeed. Try Chrome Designer Tools today and see how it can transform your workflow.
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