Message deleter for Slack 2.0

Message deleter for Slack 2.0

完全免费的 Chrome 插件,让你轻松删除 Slack 消息,告别“超出 10,000 条消息限制”的烦恼!


更新日期:2023 年 10 月 19 日分类标签:平台:没限制

45.85KiB 10000 人已下载"> 手机查看

Message deleter for Slack 2.0 插件安装教程:

扩展迷 | chrome插件下载与安装教程(图文讲解,全网最详细)

Message deleter for Slack 2.0 插件简介:

⭐️ Preferred version to use is Message deleter for Slack 3.0:
⭐️ This version – Message deleter for Slack 2.0 – will be phased out soon

🚀 Easily avoid the “10k limit reached” notifications
⭐️ Your team has more than 10,000 messages in its archive
⭐️ Your team has sent over X messages past the 10k limit
⭐️ Upgrade to access your first X messages
⭐️ To see and search this channel’s full history, upgrade to one of our paid plans

🚀 Notice
⭐️ Direct messages from the other person can’t be deleted, nor in the original Slack interface
⭐️ Threaded messages aren’t supported

🚀 Did you know that…?
⭐️ Team Owners and Admins can export message and file history from Slack?
⭐️ And with Compliance Exports enabled the exports include messages and files even from private channels and direct messages?!

🚀 Security and privacy
⭐️ No data are transmitted to anywhere, ever. Message deleter for Slack is client-side only.

🚀 Warranty/uncertainty of functionality
⭐️ Message deleter for Slack depends on functionalities of 3rd parties therefore there’s no guarantee all features will work the same forever. Some features may be removed, some new ones added. At worst it’s also possible all features will stop working.

Completely free and with no ads

Made with ♥ by Peta Sittek

Message deleter for Slack 2.0 插件ID:


Message deleter for Slack 2.0 插件最新版本:



