Dark Mode Chrome
准备好沉浸在无与伦比的阅读体验中,Dark Reader通过动态创建网站的黑暗主题,让明亮的色彩美丽对比,让您在夜间轻松阅读。
更新日期:2023 年 9 月 5 日分类标签:高效工作与计划平台:没限制
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Dark Mode Chrome 插件安装教程:
扩展迷 | chrome插件下载与安装教程(图文讲解,全网最详细)
Dark Mode Chrome 插件简介:
介绍Dark Mode – Dark Reader for Chrome,这款终极扩展可以为所有网站带来时尚的暗色主题,彻底革新您的浏览体验,特别是在夜间或者您喜欢更黑暗的审美时。凭借其强大的功能和自定义选项,Dark Mode – Dark Reader for Chrome是夜猫子、热衷阅读的人以及寻求眼睛友好浏览体验的人的完美伴侣。
Dark Mode – Dark Reader for Chrome的主要功能:
无障碍的Dark Mode:只需单击扩展图标,即可立即启用或禁用dark mode,根据您的喜好来调整浏览环境。
站点特定控制:通过排除或包含特定网站来控制暗色主题。只需导航到“Dark Mode”并选择“为此站点禁用/启用Dark Mode”即可根据每个站点量身定制您的体验。
自动计划:通过启用“Auto ON/OFF”功能,可以无缝地将Dark Mode整合到您的日常例行公事中。这将根据您首选的时间表自动启用或禁用dark mode。
体验一体化dark mode的魔力:
不再需要为单独的网站仔细调整设置。Dark Mode – Dark Reader for Chrome只需一次安装就可以将神奇的黑暗带到整个Web上,从而确保在任何地方都能保持一致而浸入式的dark theme。
页面排除:通过添加要免于dark theme影响的域来微调体验,以便最大化可视性和可读性。
引入Night Shift,这是一个了不起的功能,可以将屏幕通常的亮度转化为一个令人愉快、温和的色调。此过度有助于保护眼部并提升舒适度。使用Night Shift,只要单击一下即可随时打开或关闭该功能,当有必要时即可立即得到安心。
Dark Reader带来最佳读书乐趣:
准备好享受最佳读书体验吧——Dark Reader。这个出众的眼部保健扩展会针对网站动态创建dark themes,使明亮的颜色形成优雅对比并在夜间方便地进行读书。Dark Reader使所有网站都带来一丝优雅,因此是夜间浏览、在线新闻浏览以及数字化读书最佳伴侣。
YouTube上的dark theme:
作为一个补充奖励,Dark Mode – Dark Reader for Chrome还提供了YouTube上的Dark Theme扩展。将YouTube上的default theme无痕地变成一个可定制度很强、charcoal/blue theme,这个小巧耐用的扩展不会造成注入其他来源theme所带来性能上的影响。尝试一下新光——或者说新darkness——吧!
您的满意是我们最重要的目标。随时欢迎就Dark Mode – Dark Reader for Chrome扩展问问题、分享想法或留下评论。
引入Dark Mode Chrome,这是为所有网站带来时尚的深色主题的终极扩展,彻底改变了您的浏览体验,尤其是在夜间或您喜欢深色美学时。 Dark Mode Chrome具有强大的功能和自定义选项,是夜猫子,狂热读者以及寻求眼神友好浏览的人的理想伴侣。 享受黑暗模式,黑暗的读者,夜班,夜景,拯救眼睛,黑暗主题,黑暗的YouTube,黑暗的Twitter,黑暗的Facebook,深色Tiktok,深色reddit,Docs Dark Mode和Drive Dark Mode和Drive Dark Mode都具有惊人的扩展。
< br>黑暗模式铬的关键特征:
< BR>特定于站点的控制:通过排除或包括特定网站来控制黑暗模式。 只需导航到“黑暗模式”,然后选择“为本网站禁用/启用黑暗模式”即可以每次站点来量身定制您的体验。
自动时间表:通过启用启用启用黑暗模式,将深色模式无缝整合到您的日常工作中 “自动开/关”功能。 这会根据您的首选时间表自动激活或停用黑暗模式。
您不再需要谨慎地调整单个网站的设置。 Dark Mode Chrome通过单个安装将迷人的黑暗带入整个网络,确保无论您走到哪里,都可以确保一个一致且沉浸式的深色主题。
网站排除:通过排除特定的网址来量身定制黑暗主题 在其他地方的黑暗中陶醉时,请保持一个首选页面的轻型主题。 页面排除:通过添加希望免于黑暗主题的域来微调您的体验; 这样可以确保最佳的可见性和可读性。 主题自定义:释放您的想象力并创建反映您风格的完全个性化主题。 保存,重命名并毫不费力地应用它们; 将自己沉浸在真正的浏览体验中。
引入夜班 – 令人印象深刻的功能,它将屏幕通常的亮度转化为舒缓的温暖色调; 这种过渡有助于保护您的眼睛并增强您的舒适感。 通过单击一个按钮启用夜班,您可以在需要时立即缓解。
Dark Reader的最终阅读乐趣:
准备沉迷于Dark Reader的最终阅读体验。 这种出色的眼神扩展动态为网站创造了黑暗主题。 使鲜艳的色彩优美地对比,并在夜间轻松阅读。 深色读者为所有网站带来了一丝优雅。 非常适合夜间浏览,在线新闻消费和吞噬您喜欢的书籍。
作为额外的奖励,Dark Mode Chrome为YouTube扩展提供了深色主题; 无缝将默认的YouTube主题转换为高度可定制的木炭/蓝色主题; 这种轻巧的扩展可确保来自其他来源注入主题的最佳性能 – 以新的光(或更黑暗)体验YouTube。
您的满意度是我们的首要任务 – 随时提出问题,分享想法或留下有关黑模式扩展的评论; 当我们努力提供满足需求的最佳浏览体验时,您的反馈是无价的 – 今天安装扩展名,并在迷人的黑暗中穿越网络! 您是否厌倦了自己喜欢的网站的盲目亮度? 除了黑暗模式镀铬,这是黑暗模式爱好者的终极扩展。 Dark Mode以其光滑且可自定义的深色主题,Chrome彻底改变了您的浏览体验,尤其是在夜间或更喜欢深色美学时。
轻松的黑暗模式:只需单击扩展图标,您就可以立即启用 或禁用黑暗模式,使您的浏览环境适应您的喜好。 借助特定于网站的控制,您可以轻松排除或包含特定的网站。
自动时间表:通过启用“自动开/关”功能,将深色模式无缝整合到日常日常工作中。 这会根据您的首选时间表自动激活或停用黑暗模式。
,但这还不是全部 – Dark Mode Chrome还为眼部护理提供了夜班,将屏幕通常的亮度转化为舒缓,温暖的音调。 这种过渡有助于保护您的眼睛并增强您的舒适感。 为了获得最终的阅读乐趣,Dark Reader动态地为网站创建了深色主题,使鲜艳的色彩在晚上进行了鲜明的对比,并在夜间轻松阅读。
另外,作为额外的奖励,Dark Mode Chrome为YouTube扩展提供了深色主题。 这种轻巧的扩展无缝将默认的YouTube主题转换为高度可自定义的深色木炭/蓝色主题,可确保最佳性能,而不会从其他来源注入的主题。
我们重视您的反馈,并努力提供最佳的浏览 根据您的需求量身定制的经验。 因此,今天要安装Dark Mode Chrome,并在迷人的黑暗中踏上网络旅程! 不要忘记探索我们的增强选项页面,以获取更多自定义选项,例如站点排除和主题自定义。
通过黑暗模式延伸(如Dark Mode Chrome,Dark Reader和Night Shift)保存眼睛。 欣赏夜景,同时浏览Twitter,Facebook和Tiktok等社交媒体平台,并具有各自的黑暗模式功能。 文档和驱动器还提供自己的黑暗模式功能,使晚上工作更舒适。 准备以深色模式铬及其强大功能体验统一的黑暗模式的魔力。 您是否厌倦了在深夜浏览会议期间对明亮屏幕的斜视? 除了黑暗模式镀铬,它是最终的扩展名,它将每个网站变成时尚且友好的黑暗主题。 Dark Mode Chrome具有强大的功能和自定义选项,非常适合夜猫子,狂热的读者以及任何寻求更身临其境的浏览体验的人。
轻松的黑暗模式:只需单击一键即可扩展图标,您就可以 立即启用或禁用黑暗模式以适合您的偏好。 另外,通过特定于网站的控制,您可以选择要排除的网站或在“黑暗模式”体验中包含的网站。
自动时间表:无缝将暗模式与“自动开/关”功能无缝集成到您的日常例程中。 这会根据您的首选时间表自动激活或停用黑暗模式。
统一的黑暗模式:告别调整单个网站的设置。 Dark Mode Chrome在整个网络上都带有一个安装的迷人黑暗,可确保您在浏览的任何位置都保持一致且沉浸式的深色主题。
增强的选项页面:我们的增强选项页面提供一系列有价值的功能来丰富您的浏览功能 经验。 通过排除特定的网址来量身定制黑暗主题,或通过添加您希望免于黑暗主题的域来微调您的体验。 另外,释放了您的想象力并创建完全个性化的主题,反映您的风格。
夜班视力护理:引入夜班,这是一个非凡的功能,它将屏幕的通常亮度转化为舒缓,温暖的音调,以保护您的眼睛 并在夜间浏览中增强您的舒适感。
Dark Reader,以获取最终的阅读乐趣:沉迷于Dark Reader的终极阅读体验。 这种出色的眼神展开动态为网站创造了黑暗的主题,使鲜艳的对比鲜艳,夜间毫不费力地阅读。
youtube的深色主题:作为额外的奖励,Dark Mode Chrome为YouTube提供了深色的主题 扩大。 以这种高度可自定义的深色木炭/蓝色主题体验YouTube(或更确切地说是黑暗)。
我们重视您的反馈:您的满意度是我们的首要任务。 随时提出问题,分享您的想法或留下有关黑模式镀铬扩展的评论。 立即安装扩展名,并在迷人的黑暗中穿越网络!
使用“深色模式”铬 Facebook,Dark Tiktok,Dark Reddit,Doc Doc Dark Mode和Drive Dark Mode。 今天尝试一下,彻底改变您的浏览体验! 黑暗模式,黑暗读者,夜班,夜景,拯救眼睛,黑暗主题,黑暗YouTube,黑暗Twitter,黑暗的Facebook,深色Tiktok,深色reddit,Docs Dark Mode,Drive Dark Mode 黑暗模式,黑暗读者,夜班,夜景,拯救眼睛,黑暗主题,黑暗YouTube,黑暗Twitter,黑暗的Facebook,深色Tiktok,深色reddit,Docs Dark Mode,Drive Dark Mode 黑暗模式,黑暗读者,夜班,夜景,拯救眼睛,黑暗主题,黑暗YouTube,黑暗Twitter,黑暗的Facebook,深色Tiktok,深色reddit,Docs Dark Mode,Drive Dark Mode 黑暗模式,黑暗读者,夜班,夜景,拯救眼睛,黑暗主题,黑暗YouTube,黑暗Twitter,黑暗的Facebook,深色Tiktok,深色reddit,Docs Dark Mode,Drive Dark Mode 黑暗模式,黑暗读者,夜班,夜景,拯救眼睛,黑暗主题,黑暗YouTube,黑暗Twitter,黑暗的Facebook,深色Tiktok,深色reddit,Docs Dark Mode,Drive Dark Mode 黑暗模式,黑暗读者,夜班,夜景,拯救眼睛,黑暗主题,黑暗YouTube,黑暗Twitter,黑暗的Facebook,深色Tiktok,深色reddit,Docs Dark Mode,Drive Dark Mode 黑暗模式,黑暗读者,夜班,夜景,拯救眼睛,黑暗主题,黑暗YouTube,黑暗Twitter,黑暗的Facebook,深色Tiktok,深色reddit,Docs Dark Mode,Drive Dark Mode 黑暗模式,黑暗读者,夜班,夜景,拯救眼睛,黑暗主题,黑暗YouTube,黑暗Twitter,黑暗的Facebook,深色Tiktok,深色reddit,Docs Dark Mode,Drive Dark Mode 黑暗模式,黑暗读者,夜班,夜景,拯救眼睛,黑暗主题,黑暗YouTube,黑暗Twitter,黑暗的Facebook,深色Tiktok,深色reddit,Docs Dark Mode,Drive Dark Mode Introducing Dark Mode – Dark Reader for Chrome, the ultimate extension that brings a sleek dark theme to all websites, revolutionizing your browsing experience, especially during nighttime or when you prefer a darker aesthetic. With its powerful features and customization options, Dark Mode – Dark Reader for Chrome is the perfect companion for night owls, avid readers, and those seeking eye-friendly browsing.
Key Features of Dark Mode – Dark Reader for Chrome:
Effortless Dark Mode: With a simple click on the extension icon, you can instantly enable or disable the dark mode, adapting your browsing environment to your preferences.
Site-specific Control: Take control of the dark mode by excluding or including specific websites. Just navigate to “Dark Mode” and choose “Disable/Enable Dark Mode for this site” to tailor your experience on a per-site basis.
Automatic Schedule: Seamlessly integrate Dark Mode into your daily routine by enabling the “Auto ON/OFF” feature. This automatically activates or deactivates the dark mode based on your preferred schedule.
Experience the Magic of Unified Dark Mode:
No longer do you need to tediously adjust settings for individual websites. Dark Mode – Dark Reader for Chrome brings the enchanting darkness across the entire web with a single installation, ensuring a consistent and immersive dark theme wherever you go.
Explore the Enhanced Option Page:
Our enhanced option page offers an array of valuable features to enrich your browsing experience:
Site Exclusion: Tailor the dark theme by excluding specific web addresses, allowing you to maintain a light theme for preferred pages while reveling in darkness elsewhere.
Page Exclusion: Fine-tune your experience by adding domains that you wish to exempt from the dark theme, ensuring optimal visibility and readability.
Theme Customization: Unleash your imagination and create fully personalized themes that reflect your style. Save, rename, and apply them effortlessly, immersing yourself in a browsing experience that is truly your own.
Discover Night Shift for Eye Care:
Introducing Night Shift, a remarkable feature that transforms the screen’s usual brightness into a soothing, warmer tone. This transition helps protect your eyes and enhance your comfort. With Night Shift, you can easily toggle the feature on or off with a single click, providing immediate relief when desired.
Dark Reader for Ultimate Reading Pleasure:
Prepare to indulge in the ultimate reading experience with Dark Reader. This exceptional eye-care extension dynamically creates dark themes for websites, making bright colors contrast beautifully and facilitating effortless reading at night. Dark Reader brings a touch of elegance to all websites, making it perfect for nocturnal browsing, online news consumption, and devouring your favorite books digitally.
Dark Theme for YouTube:
As an added bonus, Dark Mode – Dark Reader for Chrome offers the Dark Theme for YouTube extension. Seamlessly transforming the default YouTube theme into a highly customizable, dark charcoal/blue theme, this lightweight extension ensures optimal performance without the bloat of injected themes from other sources. Experience YouTube in a new light, or rather, darkness.
We Value Your Feedback:
Your satisfaction is our top priority. Feel free to ask questions, share your thoughts, or leave comments about the Dark Mode – Dark Reader for Chrome extension.
Your feedback is invaluable to us as we strive to deliver the best browsing experience tailored to your needs. Install the extension today and embark on a journey through the web in captivating darkness!
Introducing Dark Mode Chrome, the ultimate extension that brings a sleek dark theme to all websites, revolutionizing your browsing experience, especially during nighttime or when you prefer a darker aesthetic. With its powerful features and customization options, Dark Mode Chrome is the perfect companion for night owls, avid readers, and those seeking eye-friendly browsing. Enjoy dark mode, dark reader, night shift, night view, save eyes, dark theme, dark youtube, dark twitter, dark facebook, dark tiktok, dark reddit, docs dark mode and drive dark mode with this amazing extension.
Key Features of Dark Mode Chrome:
Effortless Dark Mode: With a simple click on the extension icon, you can instantly enable or disable the dark mode, adapting your browsing environment to your preferences.
Site-specific Control: Take control of the dark mode by excluding or including specific websites. Just navigate to “Dark Mode” and choose “Disable/Enable Dark Mode for this site” to tailor your experience on a per-site basis.
Automatic Schedule: Seamlessly integrate Dark Mode into your daily routine by enabling the “Auto ON/OFF” feature. This automatically activates or deactivates the dark mode based on your preferred schedule.
Experience the Magic of Unified Dark Mode:
No longer do you need to tediously adjust settings for individual websites. Dark Mode Chrome brings the enchanting darkness across the entire web with a single installation, ensuring a consistent and immersive dark theme wherever you go.
Explore the Enhanced Option Page:
Our enhanced option page offers an array of valuable features to enrich your browsing experience:
Site Exclusion: Tailor the dark theme by excluding specific web addresses, allowing you to maintain a light theme for preferred pages while reveling in darkness elsewhere. Page Exclusion: Fine-tune your experience by adding domains that you wish to exempt from the dark theme; this ensures optimal visibility and readability. Theme Customization: Unleash your imagination and create fully personalized themes that reflect your style. Save, rename, and apply them effortlessly; immerse yourself in a browsing experience that is truly your own.
Discover Night Shift for Eye Care:
Introducing Night Shift – an impressive feature that transforms the screen’s usual brightness into a soothing warmer tone; this transition helps protect your eyes and enhance your comfort. With Night Shift enabled via a single click of a button you can enjoy immediate relief when desired.
Dark Reader for Ultimate Reading Pleasure:
Prepare to indulge in an ultimate reading experience with Dark Reader. This exceptional eye-care extension dynamically creates dark themes for websites; making bright colors contrast beautifully and facilitating effortless reading at night. Dark Reader brings a touch of elegance to all websites; making it perfect for nocturnal browsing, online news consumption and devouring your favorite books digitally.
Dark Theme for YouTube:
As an added bonus, Dark Mode Chrome offers the Dark Theme for YouTube extension; seamlessly transforming the default YouTube theme into a highly customizable charcoal/blue theme; this lightweight extension ensures optimal performance without bloat from injected themes from other sources – experience YouTube in a new light (or rather darkness).
We Value Your Feedback:
Your satisfaction is our top priority – feel free to ask questions, share thoughts or leave comments about the Dark Mode Chrome extension; your feedback is invaluable as we strive to deliver best browsing experience tailored to needs – install extension today and embark on journey through web in captivating darkness!Are you tired of the blinding brightness of your favorite websites? Look no further than Dark Mode Chrome, the ultimate extension for dark mode enthusiasts. With its sleek and customizable dark theme, Dark Mode Chrome revolutionizes your browsing experience, especially during nighttime or when you prefer a darker aesthetic.
Effortless Dark Mode: With just a click of the extension icon, you can instantly enable or disable the dark mode, adapting your browsing environment to your preferences. And with site-specific control, you can exclude or include specific websites with ease.
Automatic Schedule: Seamlessly integrate Dark Mode into your daily routine by enabling the “Auto ON/OFF” feature. This automatically activates or deactivates the dark mode based on your preferred schedule.
But that’s not all – Dark Mode Chrome also offers Night Shift for eye care, transforming the screen’s usual brightness into a soothing, warmer tone. This transition helps protect your eyes and enhance your comfort. And for ultimate reading pleasure, Dark Reader dynamically creates dark themes for websites, making bright colors contrast beautifully and facilitating effortless reading at night.
Plus, as an added bonus, Dark Mode Chrome offers the Dark Theme for YouTube extension. Seamlessly transforming the default YouTube theme into a highly customizable, dark charcoal/blue theme, this lightweight extension ensures optimal performance without the bloat of injected themes from other sources.
We value your feedback and strive to deliver the best browsing experience tailored to your needs. So install Dark Mode Chrome today and embark on a journey through the web in captivating darkness! Don’t forget to explore our enhanced option page for even more customization options like site exclusion and theme customization.
Save your eyes with dark mode extensions like Dark Mode Chrome, Dark Reader and Night Shift. Enjoy night view while browsing through social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and TikTok with their respective dark mode features. Docs and Drive also offer their own dark mode features to make working at night more comfortable. Get ready to experience the magic of unified dark mode with Dark Mode Chrome and its powerful features.Are you tired of squinting at bright screens during late night browsing sessions? Look no further than Dark Mode Chrome, the ultimate extension that transforms every website into a sleek and eye-friendly dark theme. With its powerful features and customization options, Dark Mode Chrome is perfect for night owls, avid readers, and anyone seeking a more immersive browsing experience.
Effortless Dark Mode: With just one click on the extension icon, you can instantly enable or disable the dark mode to suit your preferences. Plus, with site-specific control, you can choose which websites to exclude or include in the dark mode experience.
Automatic Schedule: Seamlessly integrate Dark Mode into your daily routine with the “Auto ON/OFF” feature. This automatically activates or deactivates the dark mode based on your preferred schedule.
Unified Dark Mode: Say goodbye to adjusting settings for individual websites. Dark Mode Chrome brings enchanting darkness across the entire web with a single installation, ensuring
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