Adobe Experience Cloud Visual Editing Helper

Adobe Experience Cloud Visual Editing Helper

这款Visual Editing Helper Chrome扩展,能够让用户快速轻松地在Adobe Target或Adobe Journey Optimizer中编辑和个性化他们的网站,解决了当前客户在网站加载方面面临的各种难题。


更新日期:2024 年 10 月 3 日分类标签:平台:没限制

190KiB 10000 人已下载

Adobe Experience Cloud Visual Editing Helper 插件安装教程:

扩展迷 | chrome插件下载与安装教程(图文讲解,全网最详细)

Adobe Experience Cloud Visual Editing Helper 插件简介:

The Visual Editing Helper Chrome extension allows Adobe Experience Cloud users to load their website into Adobe Target or Adobe Journey Optimizer and to use a visual WYSIWYG editor to personalize it.
The extension solves site-loading issues for which customers now rely on the Target Enhanced Experience Composer or third-party extensions to be able to author their websites.

Benefits of using the Visual Editing Helper extension:
– All iframe busting headers, such as X-Frame-Options and Content-Security-Policy, are implicitly removed from the website to enable authoring.
– Extension sets SameSite attribute to the value “None” for the website’s session cookies in order to be able to login using the visual editor.
– Customers new to Target or to Journey Optimizer can use the extension to experiment even if their IT developers have not yet implemented Target or Journey Optimizer on their websites.

Adobe Experience Cloud Visual Editing Helper 插件ID:


Adobe Experience Cloud Visual Editing Helper 插件最新版本:



