GTM Copy Paste
轻松将您的标签、触发器和变量从一个Google Tag Manager帐户复制并粘贴到另一个帐户,无需繁琐的容器导出和重新导入。
更新日期:2023 年 5 月 24 日分类标签:高效工作与计划平台:没限制
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GTM Copy Paste 插件简介:
Easily Copy and Paste your Tags, Triggers, and Variables from one Google Tag Manager account to the next. Simply add them to the extension and then paste them into your intended account. Your items will be uploaded through the GTM API.
You can put together your own menu of Tags, Triggers and Variables that you want to copy to another account. No more Container exports and reimports through the GTM Admin interface.
– The relationship between Tags and Triggers will remain intact as long as they are part of the same “paste”.
– If an asset (Tag, Trigger or Variables) under the same name already exists, the extension will upload the asset with “- Copy” attached to the end of the name.
– Currently, it’s not possible to copy Built-In Variables, Folders and Custom Templates
– Updated to fix the error that occurred when trying to copy single Triggers (May 2023)
– Added Firebase OAuth Flow, you don’t have to be logged in to Chrome to use the extension anymore
– Added ability to Copy whole Containers into the paste Extension
(May 2019)
– Added ability to add all Tags, Triggers or Variables at once by right clicking on the item in the right Menu and adding them to the clipboard
– Bug Fixes for larger uploads
– Dec, 2019 – Bug fixes
– I’m having problems with the authentication. After I click the extension a window opens, but nothing happens?
This issue maybe caused by Cloudflares spam protection. Please visit auth.measureschool.com and pass the Captcha protection. Then try again.
– Can I copy Built-In Variables, Folders and Custom Templates?
No, this is currently not supported
– I’m getting a Error when uploading certain Tags.
This maybe caused by tags with a Tag Sequencing relationship to another tag, which is not part of the paste. I’d recommend to disable the Tag Sequencing option from the tag first and then re-copy the tag into the clipboard, before retrying the paste
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