Pear Deck Power-Up
安装此免费的Chrome扩展程序,让您在Pear Deck展示时,视频、动画和GIF以最佳分辨率完美呈现!
更新日期:2024 年 7 月 9 日分类标签:高效工作与计划平台:没限制
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Pear Deck Power-Up 插件安装教程:
扩展迷 | chrome插件下载与安装教程(图文讲解,全网最详细)
Pear Deck Power-Up 插件简介:
Using Videos, Animations, and GIFs in your Pear Deck? Get ready to power up!
The Power-up is a free Google Chrome extension. Installing it ensures that videos, animations, and GIFs embedded in your Pear Deck slides play at full resolution—exactly the way they should!
To use, simply install the Power-up from the Chrome Web Store on the device you use in class. Now when you present with Pear Deck, the Power-up magically enables the display of your videos, animations, and GIFs on the projector and student devices.
For more information about Pear Deck, visit www.peardeck.com.
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