VAIUE – Draft in Sidebar
可以选择这句话: "你可以快速进行Copy & Paste,包括添加来源URL,也支持Ctrl+C和Ctrl+V键盘快捷键,方便快捷地粘贴文本和截图。
更新日期:2024 年 4 月 10 日分类标签:高效工作与计划平台:没限制
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VAIUE – Draft in Sidebar 插件简介:
Support professionals and learners of specialized subjects to quickly process large amounts of information and utilize the appropriate AI tools.
You can quickly Copy & Paste by highlighting with the mouse, and it will simultaneously include the source URL. Additionally, it supports keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V for pasting text and screenshots.
可透過滑鼠highlight進行快速的Copy & Paste,並且會同時帶入所在來源網址,亦可支援鍵盤的Ctrl C+V 貼上文字與截圖
Furthermore, you can set two special tags, “Keyword” and “To check,” in the draft. Clicking on these tags allows you to add comments for annotation, facilitating subsequent organization and verification.
同時可在Draft中設置Keyword/To check二種特殊標籤,並可點擊標籤新增comment作為註解,方便後續整理與覆核驗證用
Questionnaire 問卷:https://www.surveycake.com/s/8BBv1
Bugs report 錯誤回報:https://www.surveycake.com/s/QvvoA
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