Dewey Bookmarks

Dewey Bookmarks



更新日期:2021 年 11 月 16 日分类标签:平台:没限制

381KiB 10000 人已下载

Dewey Bookmarks 插件安装教程:

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Dewey Bookmarks 插件简介:

Dewey is a Chrome app for tagging, searching and sorting your Chrome bookmarks.

With Dewey you can:

Add custom tags
Generate screenshots of your bookmarks
Search and sort in a much smarter and faster way.
You can find more information about this application on website

How Dewey Works


Dewey treats folders in your Chrome Bookmark Manager as tags. To edit those you’ll need to go to your Bookmark Manager. (Mac – Opt+Cmd+B) (Windows – Ctrl+Shift+B)
If you’d like Dewey to ignore Chrome’s top-level folders (i.e., Bookmarks Bar, Other Bookmarks and Mobile Bookmarks) click the Settings icon in the top right corner and check the “Hide top-level folders” box.
Search & Sort:

There are several ways to search your bookmarks with Dewey:

A standard search returns anything with that word in the Tag, Title or URL.
Add tag: before a word to limit results that have that specific tag applied.
Add title: before a word to limit results to titles that contain that word.
Add url: before a word to limit results to URLs that contain that word.
Sort your bookmarks and your search results by Date, Title, or URL
Clicking a tag on a bookmark will run search of that tag

Use the Left/Right/Tab keyboard keys to navigate through the grid of bookmarks.
When one of you bookmarks is highlighted, hit enter to visit the link.

Clicking the Title of a bookmark opens the edit window.
Within the edit window you can edit the Title, URL and custom tags
You can also delete a bookmark from Chrome.

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