Sites usage
这个扩展可以收集 Chrome 浏览器中访问网站的使用统计信息,并计算出恶意性评分。
更新日期:2022 年 11 月 29 日分类标签:高效工作与计划平台:没限制
937KiB 20000 人已下载
Sites usage 插件安装教程:
扩展迷 | chrome插件下载与安装教程(图文讲解,全网最详细)
Sites usage 插件简介:
The extension collects usage statistics of the sites opened in the chrome browser instance and calculates maliciousness rating.
The usage statistics present the number of requests sent from the browser and the aggregated size of responses received per visited site. The collected information is displayed in the extension’s popup window, accessible from extensions’ toolbar frame.
Check out the website for more information about this extension.
This extension is open source and released under a GPL v3 License with some parts under MIT license.
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