GrowBot Automator for Instagram

GrowBot Automator for Instagram



更新日期:2024 年 9 月 20 日分类标签:平台:没限制

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GrowBot Automator for Instagram 插件简介:

This “Instagram bot” can automatically follow all of someone’s followers, followings, commenters, or likers for you.

Not just a mass follower! Growbot is the best tool for Instagram to save you time and grow your following!

Often imitated, never duplicated! There’s a reason Growbot is the most downloaded tool of its kind!

Growbot is updated often with new features, and the developer is always ready to help.

Growbot Automator for Instagram Features:
– load data about users, including email and phone (if available)
– sort users by data
– filters to only interact with accounts which match your critera (number of followers, posts, bio text, and so much more!)
– follow
– follow and like user’s pics
– unfollow (based on settings like how long ago you followed them, if they were followed by Growbot or not, your filters, etc)
– remove followers (to remove spammy accounts and boost your reach!)
– block
– like user’s pics
– like media from your feed
– like media from a hashtag
– load lists of who likes and comments on your pics (or someone else’s!)
– whitelist to never unfollow your friends
– randomized and configurable delays and limits between actions to avoid instagram’s rate limits and blocks
– retry hours later if you do get rate limited
– and so much more!

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