Cloud HWP Viewer

Cloud HWP Viewer



更新日期:2018 年 3 月 22 日分类标签:平台:没限制

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Cloud HWP Viewer 插件简介:

This HWP Viewer allows you to view a HWP file without having HWP Word Processor installed on the machine.
This app makes viewing HWP file quick and easy. This also provides HWP to HTML format conveting. You can download the converted HTML files.
You can open a HWP file to read from your computer or your Google Drive. Provides connect with Google Drive.
Some newer versions of HWP may not be supported.

HWP files, up to the versions created with Hangul ’97, can be opened with or LibreOffice. However, files created with later editions of Hangul, including Hangul Wordian, Hangul 2002, Hangul 2005 and Hangul 2007 cannot be opened with OpenOffice or LibreOffice, due to the major changes in the document structure.
Hangul was intended in 2009 to gain support for reading and writing of Office Open XML and OpenDocument files.
The HWP binary format specification has been published online free by Hancom on June 29, 2010.

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