OpenOffice Writer on rollApp
Apache OpenOffice Writer 是一款现代强大的文字处理器,既适合快速撰写备忘录,又能完美打造完整图书、目录、图表和索引。
更新日期:2018 年 3 月 28 日分类标签:首页平台:没限制
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OpenOffice Writer on rollApp 插件安装教程:
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OpenOffice Writer on rollApp 插件简介:
OpenOffice Writer is just one of more than 230 applications available in the cloud on rollApp. Check out the full list at
– Working with files requires creating account with rollApp and connecting cloud storage (Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive or Box)
– Free rollApp account allows to access your files in read-only mode. Please, subscribe for rollApp Premium to be able to save files
Apache OpenOffice Writer is a modern powerful word processor similar to Microsoft Word. It’s simple enough for a quick memo and powerful enough to create complete books with contents, diagrams and indexes.
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