Sidebarr – chatgpt, bookmarks, apps and more
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Sidebarr – chatgpt, bookmarks, apps and more 插件安装教程:
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Sidebarr – chatgpt, bookmarks, apps and more 插件简介:
📑 书签管理:只需一次点击,您就可以直接从侧边栏面板中访问所有书签。您可以根据喜好轻松对书签进行分类、创建文件夹和子文件夹,并将书签拖放到不同文件夹之间。
💬 ChatGPT:直接从侧边栏面板中与ChatGPT交互,输入文本或问题并收到实时回复。ChatGPT能够理解自然语言,并为您的查询提供准确和相关的答案。
📝 Google应用:无需在多个选项卡和窗口之间导航,就可以直接从侧边栏面板中访问Google Drive、Google Docs、Google Sheets和Google Slides。对于经常使用Google应用的人来说,这一功能特别有用,可以为您节省大量时间和精力。
🔧 可定制界面:您可以根据喜好调整侧边栏面板的外观和行为,包括更改文本的大小、字体和颜色,以及调整ChatGPT的速度和响应性。该扩展还为喜欢舒适阅读体验的用户提供了黑暗模式选项。
💻 提升工作效率:Sidebar是一个强大而灵活的Chrome扩展,可帮助您精简浏览体验、节省时间并提高工作效率。无论您是学生、作家、研究人员还是专业人士,这个扩展都有一些东西可供选择。
介绍SideBarr- chatgpt,书签,应用程序等:最终的Chrome扩展名,用于提高生产力和简化您的浏览体验! 借助SideBarr,您可以从时尚而强大的侧边栏面板中访问浏览器书签,chatgpt和Google应用程序。 以下是SideBarr必须提供的一些惊人功能:
📑书签管理:轻松地组织和分类您的书签。 创建文件夹和子文件夹以及拖放书签以在文件夹之间移动它们。
📝Google Apps:访问Google Drive,Google Docs,Google Sheets和Google快速轻松地滑动,而无需浏览多个标签和窗口。
🔧可自定义的接口:调整侧边栏面板的外观和行为,以适合您的偏好,包括更改大小,字体,文本颜色,并调整chatgpt的速度和响应能力。 另外,在黑暗模式或光模式之间进行选择,以获得舒适的阅读体验。
💻生产力提升:简化您的浏览体验,节省时间并通过SiendBarr强大的功能,例如书签经理,Chatgpt建议,历史经理,应用程序启动器,Chatgpt,用于Google Translator,Dictionary和Spell Checker。 AI助理GPT使它变得更加容易!
总而言之,SideBarr -Chatgpt是终极的Chrome Extension,可帮助您通过其功能强大的功能范围来增强您的浏览体验 Checker&AI助理GPT。 它提供可自定义的提示和深色或轻度模式支持,以提供舒适的阅读体验。 您的声音很重要,因为我们一直在努力改善SideBarr -Chatgpt,并认真考虑用户的反馈和建议。.感谢您考虑SideBarr -Chatgptwith -Chatgptwith Openai是其产品! 引入SideBarr-最终的Chrome扩展名,用于提高您的生产力和简化您的浏览体验! 借助SideBarr,您可以从时尚而强大的侧边栏面板中访问浏览器书签,chatgpt和Google应用程序。 这个惊人的扩展功能提供了一系列功能,可以增强您的浏览体验并提高您的生产力。
书签侧边栏功能使您可以方便有效地管理书签。 您可以根据自己的喜好轻松对书签进行排序和分类,创建文件夹和子文件夹,并拖放书签以在文件夹之间移动。
ChatGpt功能使您可以直接从侧栏面板与Chatgpt进行交互。 您可以输入文本或问题并收到实时响应。 ChatGpt能够理解自然语言并为查询提供准确且相关的答案。
Google Apps功能使您可以直接从侧栏面板中访问Google Drive,Google Docs,Google Sheets和Google Slide,而无需 必须浏览多个标签和窗口。 此功能对于定期使用Google应用程序的任何人都特别有用,因为它可以节省大量的时间和精力。
SixBarr还提供可自定义的界面,使您可以调整外观和行为 侧边栏面板适合您的喜好。 您可以更改文本的大小,字体和颜色,并调整ChatGpt的速度和响应能力。 该扩展程序还为喜欢更舒适阅读体验的用户提供了一个黑暗模式选项。
此外,SideBarr还提供了许多其他功能,例如可轻松管理浏览历史记录的历史经理,这是一个快速启动Google Apps的应用程序启动器 从侧边栏中,Chatgpt for Google for Google for ChatGpt的即时支持您的Google任务,ChatGpt Translator,用于使用Chatgpt的AI-Power语言翻译立即翻译文本,Chatgpt字典,用于使用Chatgpt的AI-Power dictionary的grammar,Grammar获取单词的定义和同义词 检查使用Chatgpt的AI驱动语法检查器改善写作,并拼写检查是否避免使用Chatgpt的AI-Power spell Checker犯错误和拼写错误。
SideBarr的前10名好处包括一个强大的侧边栏, 功能,一个快速查找窗口,可让您快速访问选定文本的定义,一个支持所有流行搜索引擎的增强搜索页面,支持SINDBARR -CHATGPT 3.5 API键或GPT -4的Plus用户(新!), 支持黑暗或光模式,一个提供降压渲染,代码突出显示的响应页面,以及停止生成响应或将其复制到剪贴板的能力,许多功能都可以增强您的阅读,例如汇总文章,查找类似的页面,解释概念 ,甚至为程序员解释代码,许多功能都可以增强您的写作,例如语法校正,重新介绍内容,扩展内容,甚至生成广告脚本或视频脚本,易于使用的预设预设提示模板针对Web活动进行了优化以及任何提示模板 您喜欢您可以在任何网页上使用,最重要的是,您的声音很重要! SideBarr -Chatgpt团队一直在努力通过认真考虑的用户的反馈和建议来改善扩展。
总而言之,Sidebarr -Chatgpt是一种终极的镀铬扩展,可以增强人们的浏览体验,以增强其范围内的体验。 可以使用强大功能和可自定义的提示。 它是AI助手,同时浏览任何提供便利和舒适性的网站。 感谢您考虑sidebarr -Chatgpt,其中GPT是其产品! 引入SideBarr-生产力和简化浏览体验的终极镀铬扩展! 借助SideBarr,您可以从时尚而强大的侧边栏面板中访问浏览器书签,chatgpt和Google应用程序。 该扩展名提供了一系列功能,可以帮助您在浏览网络时节省时间和精力。
首先,书签侧边栏功能使您可以方便,高效地管理书签。 只需单击一下,您就可以直接从侧边栏面板访问所有书签。 您可以根据自己的偏好,创建文件夹和子文件夹轻松对书签进行分类和分类,并拖放书签以在文件夹之间移动。
ChatGpt建议功能是一个非常适合寻找任何正在寻找的人的好工具 他们的写作或研究任务的建议。 直接从侧边栏面板与Chatgpt进行互动,输入文本或问题并接收实时响应。 Chatgpt能够理解自然语言并为查询提供准确和相关的答案。
第三,历史管理器功能使您可以轻松地管理浏览历史记录和搜索历史记录。 您可以快速访问您访问过的以前的网页或进行了搜索查询。
第四,应用程序启动器功能使您可以从侧边栏快速轻松地启动Google Apps。 此功能对于定期使用Google应用程序的任何人都特别有用,因为它可以节省大量的时间和精力。
for Google功能允许您从Chatgpt获得即时支持 您的Google任务。 您还可以使用Chatgpt的AI-Power语言翻译即可立即翻译文本,并使用Chatgpt Translator功能进行翻译。 此外,使用Chatgpt的AI驱动词典使用Chatgpt词典功能获取单词的定义和同义词。
此外,使用Chatgpt的AI-Power the Grammar检查功能来改善您的写作。 并避免使用Chatgpt的AI驱动咒语检查器带有拼写检查功能的错别字和拼写错误。
sideBarr是一种强大而灵活的镀铬扩展名,可以帮助您简化浏览体验,节省时间,并提高生产率。 无论您是学生,作家,研究人员还是专业人士,此扩展名都可以提供。
总而言之,SideBarr -ChatGpt,书签,应用程序,更多内容是旨在增强您浏览体验的终极Chrome Extension 凭借其功能强大的功能和可自定义的提示可供用户处置。 它是AI助手,同时浏览任何提供便利和舒适性的网站。 立即尝试SideBarr,并利用其许多好处! 书签侧边栏,书签经理,书签,侧边栏,chatgpt,chatgpt侧边栏,google,google,chatgpt,Chatgpt,devery,词典,拼写检查,翻译,AI助手,GPT 书签侧边栏,书签经理,书签,侧边栏,chatgpt,chatgpt侧边栏,google,google,chatgpt,Chatgpt,devery,词典,拼写检查,翻译,AI助手,GPT 书签侧边栏,书签经理,书签,侧边栏,chatgpt,chatgpt侧边栏,google,google,chatgpt,Chatgpt,devery,词典,拼写检查,翻译,AI助手,GPT 书签侧边栏,书签经理,书签,侧边栏,chatgpt,chatgpt侧边栏,google,google,chatgpt,Chatgpt,devery,词典,拼写检查,翻译,AI助手,GPT 书签侧边栏,书签经理,书签,侧边栏,chatgpt,chatgpt侧边栏,google,google,chatgpt,Chatgpt,devery,词典,拼写检查,翻译,AI助手,GPT 书签侧边栏,书签经理,书签,侧边栏,chatgpt,chatgpt侧边栏,google,google,chatgpt,Chatgpt,devery,词典,拼写检查,翻译,AI助手,GPT 书签侧边栏,书签经理,书签,侧边栏,chatgpt,chatgpt侧边栏,google,google,chatgpt,Chatgpt,devery,词典,拼写检查,翻译,AI助手,GPT 书签侧边栏,书签经理,书签,侧边栏,chatgpt,chatgpt侧边栏,google,google,chatgpt,Chatgpt,devery,词典,拼写检查,翻译,AI助手,GPT 书签侧边栏,书签经理,书签,侧边栏,chatgpt,chatgpt侧边栏,google,google,chatgpt,Chatgpt,devery,词典,拼写检查,翻译,AI助手,GPT Introducing Sidebar: the ultimate Chrome extension for improving your productivity and streamlining your browsing experience! With Sidebar, you can access your browser bookmarks, ChatGPT, and Google apps all from a stylish yet powerful sidebar panel. Here are some of the amazing features that Sidebar has to offer:
📑 Bookmark Management: With just one click, you can access all of your bookmarks directly from the sidebar panel. You can easily sort and categorize your bookmarks according to your preferences, create folders and subfolders, and drag and drop bookmarks to move them between folders.
💬 ChatGPT: Interact with ChatGPT directly from the sidebar panel, entering your text or question and receiving a real-time response. ChatGPT is capable of understanding natural language and providing accurate and relevant answers to your queries.
📝 Google Apps: Access Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides directly from the sidebar panel, without having to navigate through multiple tabs and windows. This feature is particularly useful for anyone who uses Google apps on a regular basis, as it can save you a significant amount of time and effort.
🔧 Customizable Interface: You can adjust the appearance and behavior of the sidebar panel to suit your preferences, including changing the size, font, and color of the text, as well as adjusting the speed and responsiveness of ChatGPT. The extension also offers a dark mode option for users who prefer a more comfortable reading experience.
💻 Productivity Boost: Sidebar is a powerful and flexible Chrome extension that can help you streamline your browsing experience, save time, and improve your productivity. Whether you’re a student, writer, researcher, or professional, this extension has something to offer.
Even more in short words:
🔖 Bookmark Manager: Manage your bookmarks conveniently and efficiently.
💬 ChatGPT Suggestions: Get suggestions for your writing and research tasks from ChatGPT.
👀 History Manager: Manage your browsing history and search history easily.
🚀 Apps Launcher: Launch Google apps quickly and easily from the sidebar.
🌐 ChatGPT for Google: Get instant support from ChatGPT for your Google tasks.
🔍 ChatGPT Translator: Translate text instantly using ChatGPT’s AI-powered language translation.
📖 ChatGPT Dictionary: Get definitions and synonyms for words using ChatGPT’s AI-powered dictionary.
✍️ Grammar Check: Improve your writing with ChatGPT’s AI-powered grammar checker.
✏️ Spell Check: Avoid typos and spelling mistakes with ChatGPT’s AI-powered spell checker.
Here are the top 10 benefits of ChatGPT Sidebar:
1. Powerful Sidebar: With ChatGPT, you get access to a range of powerful features, including a translator, dictionary, grammar check, and customizable prompts. This means you can easily translate web pages, look up definitions, and check your grammar, all without leaving the website you’re on.
2. Quick Lookup Window: The quick lookup window allows you to access the definition of selected text quickly, with support for TTS and easy toggling on/off.
3. Enhanced Search Page: ChatGPT offers a customizable search page that supports all popular search engines, including Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo. Plus, you can easily turn the search page panel on and off as needed.
4. Easy to Access ChatGPT: With support for both ChatGPT-3.5 API key and GPT-4 for Plus Users (New!), it’s easy to access ChatGPT and use its powerful features.
5. Theme: ChatGPT offers support for both dark and light mode, so you can choose the theme that’s easiest on your eyes.
6. ChatGPT Response Page: ChatGPT’s response page offers markdown rendering, code highlighting, and the ability to stop generating a response or copy it to your clipboard.
7. Many Features to Enhance Your Reading: With ChatGPT, you can summarize articles, find similar pages, explain concepts, and even explain code for programmers. Plus, you can translate web pages into any language.
8. Many Features to Enhance Your Writing: ChatGPT also serves as a writing assistant, offering features like grammar correction, rephrasing content, expanding content, and even generating ad scripts or video scripts.
9. Easy to Use: ChatGPT is designed to be easy to use, with preset prompt templates optimized for your web activities. Plus, you can add any prompt template you like and use it on any webpage.
10. Most Importantly, Your Voice Matters! We are constantly working on improving ChatGPT, and we value your feedback and suggestions.
In conclusion, the ChatGPT Sidebar is the perfect browser extension to help you enhance your browsing experience. With a range of powerful features and customizable prompts, ChatGPT is your ultimate AI assistant while browsing any website. Thank you for considering ChatGPT, a product of OpenAI.
Introducing Sidebarr – ChatGPT, bookmarks, apps and more: the ultimate Chrome extension for improving your productivity and streamlining your browsing experience! With Sidebarr, you can access your browser bookmarks, ChatGPT, and Google apps all from a stylish yet powerful sidebar panel. Here are some of the amazing features that Sidebarr has to offer:
📑 Bookmark Management: Easily organize and categorize your bookmarks with just one click. Create folders and subfolders and drag-and-drop bookmarks to move them between folders.
💬 ChatGPT: Interact with ChatGPT directly from the sidebar panel to get real-time answers to your questions or text in natural language.
📝 Google Apps: Access Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides quickly and easily without having to navigate through multiple tabs and windows.
🔧 Customizable Interface: Adjust the appearance and behavior of the sidebar panel to suit your preferences including changing the size, font, color of the text as well as adjusting the speed and responsiveness of ChatGPT. Plus, choose between dark mode or light mode for a comfortable reading experience.
💻 Productivity Boost: Streamline your browsing experience, save time and improve productivity with Sidebarr’s powerful features like bookmark manager, ChatGPT suggestions, history manager, apps launcher, ChatGPT for Google translator, dictionary and spell checker. AI assistant GPT makes it even easier!
In conclusion, Sidebarr -ChatGPT is an ultimate Chrome Extension that helps enhance your browsing experience with its range of powerful features like bookmark manager ,ChatGPT suggestions ,history manager ,apps launcher ,ChatGPT for Google translator ,dictionary ,spell checker & AI assistant GPT . It offers customizable prompts & dark or light mode support for a comfortable reading experience . Your voice matters as we are constantly working on improving Sidebarr -ChatGPT with feedbacks & suggestions from our users being taken into consideration seriously .. Thank you for considering Sidebarr -ChatGPTwith OpenAI being its product !Introducing Sidebarr – the ultimate Chrome extension for improving your productivity and streamlining your browsing experience! With Sidebarr, you can access your browser bookmarks, ChatGPT, and Google apps all from a stylish yet powerful sidebar panel. This amazing extension offers a range of features that can enhance your browsing experience and boost your productivity.
The Bookmark Sidebar feature allows you to manage your bookmarks conveniently and efficiently. You can easily sort and categorize your bookmarks according to your preferences, create folders and subfolders, and drag and drop bookmarks to move them between folders.
The ChatGPT feature enables you to interact with ChatGPT directly from the sidebar panel. You can enter your text or question and receive a real-time response. ChatGPT is capable of understanding natural language and providing accurate and relevant answers to your queries.
The Google Apps feature allows you to access Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides directly from the sidebar panel, without having to navigate through multiple tabs and windows. This feature is particularly useful for anyone who uses Google apps on a regular basis, as it can save you a significant amount of time and effort.
Sidebarr also offers a customizable interface that allows you to adjust the appearance and behavior of the sidebar panel to suit your preferences. You can change the size, font, and color of the text, as well as adjust the speed and responsiveness of ChatGPT. The extension also offers a dark mode option for users who prefer a more comfortable reading experience.
Additionally, Sidebarr offers many other features such as a History Manager for managing browsing history easily, an Apps Launcher for launching Google apps quickly and easily from the sidebar, ChatGPT for Google for instant support from ChatGPT for your Google tasks, ChatGPT Translator for translating text instantly using ChatGPT’s AI-powered language translation, ChatGPT Dictionary for getting definitions and synonyms for words using ChatGPT’s AI-powered dictionary, Grammar Check for improving your writing with ChatGPT’s AI-powered grammar checker, and Spell Check for avoiding typos and spelling mistakes with ChatGPT’s AI-powered spell checker.
The top 10 benefits of Sidebarr include a powerful sidebar with a range of features, a quick lookup window that allows you to access the definition of selected text quickly, an enhanced search page that supports all popular search engines, support for both Sidebarr -ChatGPT 3.5 API key or GPT-4 for Plus Users (New!), support for both dark or light mode, a response page that offers markdown rendering, code highlighting, and the ability to stop generating a response or copy it to clipboard, many features to enhance your reading such as summarizing articles, finding similar pages, explaining concepts, and even explaining code for programmers, many features to enhance your writing such as grammar correction, rephrasing content, expanding content, and even generating ad scripts or video scripts, easy-to-use preset prompt templates optimized for web activities plus any prompt template you like which you can use on any webpage, and most importantly, your voice matters! The Sidebarr -ChatGPT team is constantly working on improving the extension with feedbacks & suggestions from users being taken into consideration seriously.
In conclusion, Sidebarr -ChatGPT serves as an ultimate Chrome Extension that enhances one’s browsing experience with its range of powerful features & customizable prompts being available at user disposal. It serves as an AI assistant while browsing any website offering convenience & comfort while doing so. Thank you for considering Sidebarr -ChatGPT with GPT being its product!Introducing Sidebarr – the ultimate Chrome extension for productivity and streamlined browsing experience! With Sidebarr, you can access your browser bookmarks, ChatGPT, and Google apps all from a stylish yet powerful sidebar panel. This extension offers a range of features that can help you save time and effort while browsing the web.
Firstly, the Bookmark Sidebar feature allows you to manage your bookmarks conveniently and efficiently. With just one click, you can access all of your bookmarks directly from the sidebar panel. You can easily sort and categorize your bookmarks according to your preferences, create folders and subfol
Sidebarr – chatgpt, bookmarks, apps and more 插件ID:
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